Donate to support our work
Mel & the Menagerie is a registered incorporated NFP association, a registered charity & has tax deductible status.
Our work is only made possible by the generousity of our supporters who directly support grassroots animal rescue and care. Any donation large or small is greratly appreciated and will be put directly to helping animals in distress.
Donations can be made by directly supplying the “things we need” or via money that allows us to buy the things we need.
Things we need
- Animal formula (biolac, wombaroo or divetalac)
- Pouches, Old towel, blankets etc
- Washing powder (earth choice)
- Fuel vouchers
- Donut dog beds
- Hay & horse food (economix pellets)
- Cleaning products (earthchoice washing liquid & disinfectants)
- Dog & cat food
- Avaries
- Carry cages
- Building supplies

What we currently spend
- $300/6 weeks for specialised animal formula
- $500/ monthly horse food
- $350/ 6 weeks for farrier
- $2400/ yearly for horse dentist
- $75/weekly for cat food
- $60/weekly kitty litter
- $ vet bill varies wildly currently $4148.05 at one clinic & $2024 at another. Approx $5000-$10,000/annually.

Saving for
- $1200 for 2 x IV fluid pumps for rehydration & treating shock in animals.
- $1000 for 2-3 x syringe/CRI (constant rate infusion pumps) for administering pain relief & medications constantly in very small amount as required to treat native animals. Especially in crisis situations.
- $ 5000 would be spent on 2 x humidicribs for joeys of animals that have had to be euthanased due to injuries. These humidicribs are crucial in caring for joeys when they would have remained in the pouch as they replicate the constant warmth & humidity.
- $400 would be spent on 5x heating pads for animals in shock to help thermoregulate the Animal until the immediate effects of shock are treated.
- $400 would be spent on 2x specialised stethoscopes for assessing patients.
- $5000 would be spent on upgrading cages for patients safety & comfort during triage & treatment.
- $10,000 for shed & internal runs for cats/kittens
- $5000 for 4 dog runs
- $10,000 for large pre-release wombat enclosure
- $2500 for upgraded koala hospital pre-rerlease enclosure
- $2500 for large upgraded possum/bird enclosures/ bat
- $500 for echidna hospital cage
- $250 to upgrade reptile set up